Thursday, 10 May 2007

Hello There

I've been a fan of a few music blogs for a while now, and I'm a regular user of the The Hype Machine, and for some complex psychological reasons due to the fact I genuinely do think my music taste is IMPECCABLE, and should be shared with the world, I have decided to start this blog. I'm 15 years old, studying for my GCSEs and have no musical skill whatsoever. This is probably because I'm incredibly impatient and expect immediate results. And that piano teacher just smelt a little bit strange.

Anyway, onto the music. First up is Kate Nash. Say what you will about her, but she is an extremely able musician and knows how to write a good tune. I think she suffered a bit at the hands of LDN is a Victim , but to be fair pretty much everything they said is true and, let's face it, Harrow isn't exactly a ghetto - what's so wrong with being oh so slightly well-spoken. And her song 'Caroline's a Victim', everyone seems to think is rubbish. Which it is really. But it's still very fun. It's like that Russian painter who reduced his paintings to white squares on a white background then declared painting was dead. With this song, everything from it has been taken away apart from that sharp drumbeat and the synth bassline - and it still works! Also, she has a new song 'Foundations' due to be released later in the summer. I've got it here in demo form off her MySpace, it cuts out after two minutes but it will have to do for now.

Download: Kate Nash - Foundations
Download: Kate Nash - Caroline's A Victim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its pretty sweet, i like it