no.. i paid 50p for in rainbows, mainly for the novelty of using a paypal account. None of it i don't like, just none of it i really enjoyed and none of it stood out to me. at the moment all i want to listen to is dancey music.
This will serve as a space for me to vomit enthusiasm about my latest favourite band, which seems to change about a hundred times a month. Posting is pretty irregular, but I try to post something once or twice a week. Feedback is greatly appreciated, even negative feedback or just general abuse.
In this blog I post mp3s that I myself do not own the copyright for. These mp3s are available for evaluation purposes only - buy the record, wear the t-shirt, see the band play live. If I've infringed your copyright and you'd like a track removed, email me or leave a comment and I'll remove it ASAP.
No, vampire weekend. Radiohead aren't really my cup of tea but i don't passionately hate them.
Hmmm. That's interesting. I would have thought it to be hard enough even for Radiohead to do that. Makes you wonder the best a bands ever done.
no.. i paid 50p for in rainbows, mainly for the novelty of using a paypal account. None of it i don't like, just none of it i really enjoyed and none of it stood out to me. at the moment all i want to listen to is dancey music.
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